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A Guide for Strengthening, Scaling, and Sustaining the Christian Endeavor Movement.


Today, there are 2 billion youth without eternal hope! Into this darkness, God has positioned the Christian Endeavor Movement (CE) to shine the light of Christ (Jn. 1:5). For over 140 years, CE has helped youth commit to Christ and engage in His kingdom work as they grow into the fullness of Christ (Eph. 4:11-13). By God’s grace, today this relational network shines bright in 47 countries.


Over one hundred years ago, in CE’s first handbook, founder Reverend Francis E. Clark wrote, “So rapidly has the movement so many lands throughout the world...that a volume...which attempts to condense into one comprehensive account the salient features of the movement” was needed. This guidebook would “acquaint [others] with the progress ,the principles, and the practices of the Christian Endeavor Society."[1]


Now, once again, as the movement experiences renewed growth, an advocate’s guidebook is needed. Advocates are partners who actively support the movement by aligning with its purpose and principles, advancing its practices, and amplifying their passion for ministries of committed and engaged youth. Together we envision the movement connecting 10,000 affiliate churches and impacting 100 nations – all by 2031. Oh, what an electrifying celebration that will be as we mark our 150th anniversary!


As CE Advocates, may God stir our hearts to step forward and fulfill this audacious vision, for the glory of our King.

CE Advocate's Guidebook

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