Christian Endeavor's practical resources are used by a global community of churches and youth leaders to empower the young people they lead and serve. Learn more about available resources, and get access to these resources for use in your native language and context!

Advocate's Guidebook.
CE-World is releasing a BRAND NEW RESOURCE at the World Convention in collaboration with the Institute for Youth Studies (IYS). This resource gives a comprehensive and fresh look at the CE movement. It also clearly explains what it means to be an ADVOCATE for CE to spread! This resource is a 'must read' for every CE leader, person involved with CE and anyone interested in learning about the heart of the CE movement!
Download the
for FREE!

More CE Resources.
Each of CE's core resources are designed to equip local churches and ministries to empower the next generation. These resources connect to CE's rich history, and address critical needs in discipleship, character development, cooperative learning and Kingdom-mindedness that are evident in our world today.

Reach out to Christian Endeavor to learn more about our Core Resources, how you can receive these Core Resources, and insights into the impact these resources can make in your local ministry setting.
CE was founded in the United States in 1881 and continues to use English as its main form of communication and resource dispersal around the world. At the same time, extensive translation efforts are a key factor of CE's ongoing work. Our desire is to equip churches to empower young people in every culture...and language...in the world! We work extensively with local translators to make CE's core resources available in a growing number of languages.

Local Translators
in Process
Connect with a member of CE's Materials Team to receive CE's Core Resources in your native language!